Sponsorship Visa Services


Sponsor you Spouse or Dependent Children
Processing Time: 20 to 24 Months

To sponsor your Spouse or Dependent Children, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • You must be a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  • The sponsor must be 18 years of age or older
  • If you are a permanent resident, to sponsor your spouse you must be living in Canada
  • Being a Canadian resident and living outside Canada you can apply for Spousal Sponsorship; however, you must show the plan of yours to live in Canada with your spouse to meet requirements for sponsoring your spouse once your spouse gets the permanent residency
  • You must also need to prove that you can easily meet basic needs and manage basic expenses of yourself, your spouse and dependent children (if any)
Sponsor your Parent(s) or GrandParent(s)
Processing Time: 20 to 24 Months

To be eligible for Family Class sponsorship, the sponsor residing in Canada must meet the following requirements:

  • The sponsor must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • The sponsor must be 18 years of age or older
  • The sponsor must sign an undertaking to repay any provincial social assistance benefits paid to the sponsor and accompanying family member(s), if any, for a period of 20 years, if necessary; and If the sponsor resides in Quebec, an additional "undertaking" must be signed.
  • The sponsor must exceed the minimum necessary income level for this program (if married or in a common-law relationship, the income of both can be included);
Income required for the 3 tax years, before the day you apply
You'll be responsible for 2020 2019 2018
2 people $32,899 $41,007 $40,379
3 people $40,445 $50,414 $49,641
4 people $49,106 $61,209 $60,271
5 people $55,695 $69,423 $68,358
6 people $62,814 $78,296 $77,095
7 people $69,935 $87,172 $85,835
For each additional person, add: $7,121 $8,876 $8,740
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